Interrupted aortic arch

Interrupted aortic arch
Classification and external resources
ICD-10 Q25.2 (EUROCAT)
ICD-9 747.11
eMedicine ped/2515

Interrupted aortic arch is a very rare heart defect (affecting 3 per million live births)[1] in which the aorta is not completely developed. There is a gap between the ascending and descending thoracic aorta. Almost all patients also have other cardiac anomalies. Interrupted aortic arch is often associated with DiGeorge Syndrome.[2]



It can be diagnosed with an echocardiogram. Patients will have a loss of appetite, turn pale, may feel cold in the lower half of the body due to not enough blood flow.


Treatment consists of open heart surgery soon after birth. Awaiting surgery, prostaglandin can be administered to keep the ductus arteriosus open, thereby allowing blood flow to the lower body. Failure to treat the condition yields a mortality rate of 90% at a median age of 4 days.[1]


  1. ^ a b Messner, Greg; Reul, George J.; Flamm, Scott D.; Gregoric, Igor D.; Opfermann, Ulrich Tim (2002). "Interrupted aortic arch in an adult single-stage extra-anatomic repair". Texas Heart Institute journal / from the Texas Heart Institute of St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Texas Children's Hospital 29 (2): 118–21. PMC 116738. PMID 12075868. 
  2. ^ Chin, Alvin J (Oct 2, 2007). "Interrupted Aortic Arch". eMedicine. Retrieved May 27, 2009. 

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